Scripture is hard sometimes!
It’s not all God’s love and help and Promises …there are conditions. …there are commands …there are consequences.
Love your neighbor AS MUCH AS you love yourself. Yikes! Do GOOD to your haters. Whew! The way you judge others is how God will judge YOU. Ouch!
On paper, those ideas look reasonable; but, in actuality, are hard to execute.
Our intentions may be good; but, we often find we’re battling our own desires, the resentment we have toward others, and our attitudes about how other people live.
So, how DO we implement the hard stuff from God’s Word into our lives?
#1 Through PRAYER We can 100% depend on God to walk it out with us. Isaiah tells us when we cry out to God He will say, “Here I am!”
#2 With the HOLY SPIRIT He will guide us through the obstacles and landmines of the hard stuff. His leading brings us to better choices, kinder responses, more Christlike outlooks.
#3 Clinging to Scripture Reminding ourselves of the if/thens in the Word can inspire us that there are rewards when we tackle the difficult decrees. Biblical encouragement can keep us going.
It’s a challenge to decide to keep God’s Word even when it’s hard. But it’s always the difficult things in life that make us stronger, help us to grow, and that draw us into a deeper relationship with others…and Him!