God Will Carry Our Burdens

God Will Carry Our Burdens

Brenda Dillon

Lord, help the hurts that are so embedded in our hearts that we don’t even know they’re there. We just see the results in our relationships.

Maybe a spouse didn’t live up to their end, a child was a disappointment, your parents gave up on their marriage….

Life is just…different, now that we’re dealing with the after-effects of other people’s
… decisions,
… destructive lifestyles,
… white flags.

How does life ever get better? Do we walk around the issues we’ve been dealt? Put on our social face & pretend they don’t exist?

I think that’s our first instinct: to privately grieve; then, publicly move on with life with a smile as a mask for what’s going on inside.

When our mind goes to that hurt, we sort of kick a little dirt over it to get it out of our thoughts & go on with our day. Over time, we end up burying it so deeply that the cause of our attitudes & the reasons we interact the way we do are completely covered.

But God’s answer to all of our situations is summed up in a simple verse, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

What if we began to do things God’s way? How different would life be if we exhumed our hurts and problems and gave them away to Him?

We can do that. His shoulders are bigger, His back stronger. He’s not limited by human weaknesses. He is Almighty.

And He cares for you….