How to Find Your Way through the Seasons of Life….

How to Find Your Way through the Seasons of Life....

Brenda Dillon

This is just a season.

If it’s dry, lonely, covered in thorns, difficult…. One day we WILL look out our windows to beauty again. The sun will rise, the roses will bloom, hard trials will have turned into a tree-lined smooth country route that’s inviting to travel….

One of Satan’s favorite tricks is to make us feel like life is going to stay in the same miserable rut it’s been in for days, weeks, years. That relief will never come…. That THIS is our unfortunate destiny….

One of my favorite weapons in those times is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

It reminds us that God cares about where we are. That He loves us too much to bury us there. And that life WILL get better when we rely on Him.

Humans love the seasons of beauty in life; not so much the rain, the hurricanes, the hail. But, honestly, the hardest of struggles make the breakthrough season more extraordinary, more joyful, more…gratifying.

So if you’re in a season of beauty, I’m so happy for you. But if you’re in a time of difficulty, remember it’s just a season. Winter changes to spring, hail melts and crocuses line the sidewalks again.

As you transition into a more lovely season of life, trust that God is walking with you, with plans for a new and better place to discover….
