Why do we resent God when things are hard?
Why do we question whether He’s good when we find ourselves abandoned by loved ones?
Isn’t He supposed to fix our problems?
Well…no. At least, that’s not the ULTIMATE goal.
Our relationship with God isn’t about Him making life easy for us. It’s about us living a life of servanthood to Him & His will.
He doesn’t treat us like a slave; but, as a loved child, as a friend. No reason for us to feel resentment for His expectations; but, gratitude for His faithfulness.
The worldly view of life is that we make it happy & comfortable, one that fulfills our dreams & (at least mostly) flows along without too many waves in the mix.
But that’s not the kind of life we saw Christ’s disciples live….
They left the comfort of home to walk hours, even days to spread the Gospel. They endured hardship & persecution as they ministered. Things went wrong. People turned against them. Satan attacked.
It doesn’t sound like the kind of life we’re encouraged by society to build.
Our perspective has been shaped through years of secular, self-edifying promotion that takes no real thought of our inherent, God-given purpose in life.
It’s ok to ask God what HE wants from our life. It’s a good thing to follow His path, to not set our goals on ease; but, on carrying out our calling.
Ephesians 2:10 explains, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”
This life is just preparation for real rest, full joy, freedom from trials. Heaven is the goal.
When we realize that a utopia on earth isn’t the target, we can begin navigating into the kind of journey God calls us to walk out while we’re here….
⛲Brenda Dillon