Is Your Life Full Speed Ahead?

Is Your Life Full Speed Ahead?

Brenda Dillon

Sometimes you have to decide which path you’re gonna take in life: the freeway that gets you there quicker, or the back road that takes longer; but, has the more relaxing vibe, the prettier views.

I know I often long to take the back road. But that little voice in my head says, you should just not take a chance on being later than you want to be and take the freeway. My logical tendency overrides my heart’s desires and leads me to push aside a trip along the tree-lined county road.

My husband knows well how much I love to take the back roads. But as much as I do, lately I find myself in a hurry to get to the the next thing, to check something else off my list, or even to hurry up and get home so I can finally…rest.

We seem to get so little of it; yet, God deemed rest so important that He devoted an entire day to it! It’s the fourth of the Ten Commandments, and a call to lay down all the cares and objectives that occupy our days…at least for a little while.

I honestly don’t know what I’d do with an actual 24 hours of rest! (But it makes my heart light to think about it!😄) Most of us are happy for just an hour break from the busyness of our days.

Yet, in Christ we find rest for our souls, a calm from what rages around us, a release from the burdens of this world.

No wonder God gifted us with a holy day to be all about Him! We can focus on His goodness, His presence, His…peace.

It never hurts to remember to slow down from time to time in life. I’m thinking today is a good day to travel that picturesque back road with the speed limit of only 35. When we ease off the gas for a while, we’re sure to take in all the beauty that’s springing up along life’s way….

⛲Brenda Dillon