Sometimes you just have to give yourself a break.
Let’s face it– we’re hard on ourselves!
We make it our responsibility to maintain positivity, to keep everybody else in the family on track, to make sure everyone has what they need.
We go above & beyond to show love, make birthdays & holidays special, to make memories.
And to tell the truth, a lot of it gets overlooked.
So if yesterday wasn’t perfect, let that be okay….
If today doesn’t look exactly like you wanted it to, give yourself grace to live in it anyway.
And if something you’ve worked on or planned goes completely awry, accept permission to laugh it off and take it for what it is: a valuable mess.
Yes, a VALUABLE mess…
… because everything you put your hand to has your willingness planted in it. Every single project that doesn’t work out has been thought out, invested in and had your heart behind it. And that alone makes it valuable.
Yes, even our messes have value. And when we begin to see that, we can choose to give ourselves a pardon, allow ourselves to make mistakes, and move on with the understanding that it doesn’t take perfection to be a blessing….
(Lamentations 3:23) “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
#BrendaDillon #ChristianBlog