God speaks in a hundred different ways.
His voice is loud; but, it doesn’t necessarily have vocal cords. His messages reverberate in our lives through…
…Scriptural enlightenment,
…teachings of the Holy Spirit.
He doesn’t make it hard to hear from Him…if we’re listening.
John tells us His sheep hear his voice.
…Are we following near enough
to know He’s speaking?
Isaiah says you’ll hear a word behind you giving directions for your path.
…Is our will prepared to go where He leads?
In Jeremiah, God says, “Call and I will answer….”
…Have you come, heart humbled, waiting for His response?
Humans were created to have communion with God. In Genesis, Adam & Eve hid from God because they understood they had sinned. Yet, even then, God came looking for them.
God speaks when His people take pleasure in His Word. And those who are truly listening will hear more!
His voice, the Word tells us, is like the roar of many waters. What an amazing analogy!
To me, that says “power.” Think about the sound of the waters rushing over Niagara Falls.
God’s voice… is POWER.
…over circumstances
…over fear
…over every need in our lives.
#BrendaDillon #ChristianBlog