Jesus took the time to minister to the thief on the cross while He suffered.
That’s an amazing realization to me. He was committed to us– to all of us…
…the good, the bad
…the rich, the poor
..those who were well,
& the ones who were broken….
He cared about us all…and He still does. Even in times when it FEELS like God has forgotten you. I promise He is mindful.
When everything about the world is upside down,
when life seems grossly unfair, when days just hurt…
He’s watching, caring,
working everything out
for the good.
Really He is!
I know you can’t see it yet; but, He’s operating behind the chaos to bring order. He’s gathering all the broken pieces to make something of beauty. You don’t see it now; but, joy is coming….
Because HE IS COMMITTED to us– to each & every one of us…
…when you feel forsaken
…when you’re forgotten
…when you’re alone.
I can’t imagine the agony He was enduring on the cross; but, He bore up under it to speak to the need of a thief.
How amazing is that!
I never doubt that He’s there for me. He’s there for you too. And whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, we can know that
…they’re never too complicated.
…they’re never too difficult.
…they’re never hopeless.
His commitment overtakes it all….
#BrendaDillon #ChristianBlog