I can relate to Zacchaeus. We’re both rather height challenged.
In our state, sometimes tasks are a little more of a struggle.
Zacchaeus, we’re told, went out of his way to climb a tree to see Jesus. He took extra effort….
It was harder for him to see Jesus passing by, being kinda short-changed in the height department.
But MAYBE that’s exactly why Jesus took notice of him. No, not because he was short. Nor do I think that it was a grown man dangling from a sycamore tree that caught His attention. Jesus is never nearly as concerned about the physical display as He is about the condition of our heart.
Zacchaeus wasn’t a follower yet…but he was seeking. And a seeking heart will always move God toward us. THAT is my take. Jesus noticed Zacchaeus because he was seeking Him!
I always want to be a Jesus seeker. In my good times and in the difficulties, let me always seek His face.
So, when you feel overlooked, unseen…
When the world seems to be
moving on past you…
If you’re lost in the crowd…
…seek Jesus.
It doesn’t necessarily take dangling from a sycamore tree. But He will always be found of a heart that’s making an effort to get to Him.
#BrendaDillon #ChristianBlog