Our morals are called “intolerance.”
The love of Biblical standards deems us “haters.”
They resist our light; because it threatens their darkness, their social belonging, their psychological freedom to live as they are.
It challenges them to something uncomfortable– to change! So, they cower beneath a cloak of offense for protection.
The enemy has actually convinced them that our FAITH is an attack on their lifestyle. What a great way to ward off conviction!
Christ says, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.”
We’re not truly the problem. The problem is that the world hates God, hates His ways, hates His Word. And WE represent Him in this world.
We’re the physical reflection of His Spirit to them. When they see you, they see Christ.
When they hear you, they hear Christ. Our lifestyle sounds like judgement to them. Our love looks like His love, which makes it– unwanted.
So, today, if you feel undesirable in this culture, count it a blessing. You must be carrying something Godly. Yes, it will rub. It will aggravate the atmosphere. It will divide.
But keep praying. Keep loving. Continue being His hands & feet in this world. His Spirit will slowly break through the manipulation & defenses.
His love through you will find its perfect work. With time, the enemy will lose his grip. And God’s goodness on our lives will become apparent to those whose vision has been obscured by the adversary.
And they will want Him! Because God WANTS them! If we live out this Gospel long enough in their midst, they will begin to smell the aroma of a Savior.
They will sense a compassion that overtakes the emptiness of the enemy’s lies….
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