The enemy whispers lies…
…and sometimes he yells them!
I don’t know about you; but, I find a lot of satisfaction in rebuking him & getting my praise on in spite of his tauntings.
He doesn’t control me. He doesn’t control you.
When we make up our minds not to be attentive to his fearmongering, we are taking back…
…our security in Christ,
…our identity in Him,
…the peace of our daily lives.
He roams about AS a roaring lion; but, he ISN’T one! His goal is to make us afraid enough that worry fills our days, fear overtakes our peace, and faith…fails.
If he could devour us, he would. But Christ came to give us abundant life! We don’t have to listen to the enemy’s roar. We can choose to turn our eyes from his bared teeth.
When we tune in to the Word of God, look to our savior, rest in His assurance…
…we win,
…Satan’s attacks fall short,
…miracles happen.
The adversary only has what power we allow him to assert in our lives. His accusations can be unrelenting; but, as Christians rooted in God’s Truth, we can resist every lie & fiery dart he throws….
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