I know the footsteps of my family.
My son J.D. treads slowly & softly through the house. My youngest has a busy gait. And my husband’s stride is medium and heavy down the hallway.
It’s crazy to say that I know them by their footsteps; but, their paces on the wood floors have become as familiar to me as their faces.
It takes an intimate relationship to know someone by the way they enter a room.
The awareness of my Savior approaching is an especially welcoming encounter. I hear Him drawing near as I bow my head in prayer & acknowledge His footsteps coming ever closer as my praise grows in the room.
Then, He’s there– in all His glory. He’s standing before me. The footsteps I’ve heard approaching bring a familiar presence.
I’ve met with Him here before. Daily I meet with Him. I know the sound of His coming. I recognized the rhythm of His approach.
Do you know His gait? Are you familiar with His coming?
Intimacy with the Holy One builds relationship
…and when His presence
approaches, we should know just
Who He is.
#BrendaDillon #ChristianBlog