There’s nothing worse than the moment you realize something can’t be fixed….
You’ve been given a diagnosis that says there’s no cure. Your spouse has rejected you and moved on to someone else. The door was shut on your dream, your financial security, your prayer.
We inherently go through the process of seeing what we can do to fix it. “Maybe I can find a better doctor, be a more desirable spouse….”
Like children with their Elmer’s glue, we try to put the pieces back together. But maybe that isn’t what our picture looks like to God. There’s a place for brokenness in our lives. And once broken, it can never be the same. As much as we try to piece it back together the way we liked it, the way we wanted it… that picture has been forever transformed.
Maybe things didn’t end well. Pieces may even be missing. You’ll never look at it the same. It brings hurt, heartache, that thought that repeats over and over in your mind that says, “I’ll never understand….”
You see, we like the pretty portraits with soft brush strokes and easy colors to define our lives. But, I’m finding, God is more into mosaics. He takes the broken pieces of our pictures and puts them back together in a whole new way. They don’t fit exactly like they did before. There are some rough edges, harsher shadows, a different look to the piece when He’s done.
But somehow… it’s a masterpiece. His masterpiece! It may not have been the picture we wanted; yet, somehow He knew it was the one we needed. I find myself looking at my own picture hanging on the wall, sometimes for hours—staring at the peculiar, majestic way He inserted each piece into place. I’m slowly getting used to the way it looks now, even liking some of the ostentatious tones and bolder strokes. And I’m convinced it’s absolutely beautiful to God!