I married a man who makes money disappear! It’s his talent. Well, one of them at least.
Whenever we’re in a store or at an event, I can almost guarantee he’ll find a child with whom to share his trick. He’s been doing it for as long as we’ve been married. He starts off telling them about how money is dirty—like sin! He goes on to explain that when we ask God to forgive us of our sin, He makes it…DISAPPEAR! (And the dollar bill “vanishes” before their eyes.) It never fails to engage them. And he looks for any opportunity to share Jesus with young people.
In Children’s Church, he’s a master of disguise—a different crazy character every week. If someone would look in his bedside drawer, they’d be most intrigued at what they’d find: things like a fake thumb, a rubber chicken, a box of cheesy-bacon crickets and a red clown nose! Wherever we travel, he’s picking up things to use in children’s ministry. He’s not a children’s pastor. He helps with skits and games and the like. He says his talent is “being stupid.”
I’ve never thought of “being stupid” as a talent; but, he’s right! Anything we have the ability to do as a tool for drawing people to Christ is a God-given talent. For some, it’s helping a neighbor fix a car. For others, sharing their baking with a co-worker. Maybe yours is showing God’s love through babysitting, or music or drawing or visiting or even… praying. For Mark, it’s “being stupid.”
Talent. It’s an amazing way we can joyfully serve in our everyday lives. Who said we have to be a pastor or a missionary to build the Kingdom?
As for my husband, I know whenever we visit an amusement park, it’s guaranteed I’ll find him turned around in a roller coaster car in front of other riders, showing them how to make dirty money and sin disappear. I’m sure that God looks on at him with a smile as I do, pleased that he’s using his talents to further the kingdom and lead people to Him.