
Inspirational Blog
by Brenda Dillon

Be Inspired

Welcome to
WellSpring Words

           I’m Brenda! 

It’s great to meet you! Writing has always been second nature for me– from my infatuation with my grandmother’s typewriter as a kid, to writing stories with my friends in middle school, crafting poetry throughout high school, and studying magazine journalism in college. I love creatively expressing what inspires me!

My relationship with God and my desire to move other people toward Him fuels my passion to write. Usually my ideas come from life experiences; but, not always. Please come on in and sit a while and let’s share a little bit of encouragement.

Top Blogs….

This is a new journey. 

Thank you for following me on this new adventure….

Into the Darkness….

You Never Need an Appraisal….

How to Experience Joy in the Midst of Your Consequence….

What the Master Creates….

No Appointment Book Here….

How to Seize Victory via Relentless Prayer….

Are you Up for the Hike…?

What’s the Best Way to Use your Talent…?

Follow WellSpring Words on social media….

I love to share my inspirational writing!

You can follow all my blogs, articles, poems and more on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


@WellSpring Words



